Listening: Lately I've been getting really lonely while my husband is at work. So, I've been playing one of our local Christian radio station the entire time he's gone just for some background noise. There's a therapy show in the early afternoon that people with major problems call in to get advice from certified therapists. It's very encouraging and reminds me my life is pretty good. :)
Loving: Earlier I mentioned Ralph Fletcher's Live Writing. I love, love, love that book. Read it!
Thinking: I really cannot stand my hubby's computer much longer. Aghh! I want my keyboard!
Wanting: I saw the 31 gifts utility tote being used on a teaching blog earlier this summer. This would revolutionize my organization. Must get! Too bad it would cost like 50 some dollars all together. I better start conniving how to fit it into the budget. :)
Needing: My dad has lost about 130 pounds since July 2012. He did it solely through counting calories and daily exercise. I was home visiting him a couple weeks ago and was inspired to lose weight. So, I'm using the My Fitness Pal app on my phone to track my calories and exercise. I lost about 4 pounds last week and would like to lose 8 more before school starts. Not sure if it's possible, but you never know!
B2s must haves: I must have colored pens. I used to not care at all about my pens, but some of my students gave me colored pens for the end of the year one year and I was hooked. Sadly, I burned through all of them last year and need to go out and get some more. At least I get to pick my pens myself! I already talked about my new teaching bag. I don't really need one, but I would really, really, really like to get it! Our Keurig started going crazy this spring when I tried to clean it. It only works when it feels like it. I hope it holds out a while longer, but a new coffee pot will be a must if it quits on us. Must. Drink. Coffee!

Hi Melissa, I found you on Oh Boy 4th Grade's currently link up!
ReplyDeleteI too put colored pens on my B2S must have list :) there is something about correcting papers or writing notes in color that just makes it more fun, right?! LOL
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
I have this weird compulsion of looking back through my planner to see all of my to-do lists written and crossed out in various colors. : ) Glad I'm not alone in my pen love. Thanks for stopping by!